Media Highlights 2021

Published 28 December 2021

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1,692 words • 9 min read

I’ve enjoyed others’ roundups of the media they’ve recently enjoyed (example). I’ve discovered some amazing books, music, and films this way (for the same reason recommendations from friends tend to beat aggregated reviews).

I thought I would look through my own highlights from 2021 in case it helps someone else find something they end up enjoying.

The Robin Hanson homunculus sitting on my shoulder is reminding me that my real motivation must surely involve no small amount of signaling, i.e. trying make people think I’m cultured. I accept that is very likely the case!

Ordering is totally arbitrary.


I keep track of what I read on Goodreads.


Relistens indicated by †. I log most things on


Films, TV & Videos

I sometimes log films on Letterboxd.

Shorter Writing

Papers, articles, a short story.

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